Safe Water
Safe clean accessible water changes lives and gives Hope. When access to safe water is available to all, people and communities can thrive.

Safe water is just the beginning. Hygiene and sanitation education is also critical for ending waterborne diseases in the communities we serve.

Local Heroes
We have seen our Education, Encouragement and Empowering emphasis create local heroes. We are not only training the locals in the villages we serve, we are training trainers who are local leaders, teachers, pastors and their wives to teach these truths to every village possible. We believe this training will help elevate suffering as they learn what will make them feel better.

Get Involved
Help us help other ministries and missionaries so they can be more productive in their outreach ministry as well. If you want to join our team in our mission of ending water sanitation issues and hunger, check out how you can help!
I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did unto Me. Matthew 25:40