A Dry Thirsty Land

I am reminded of my blessings each day. In America, there are clean restrooms and clean water available everywhere. Short trips bring many opportunities to have a refreshing drink but we may not be content. Opportunity is different in West Africa.
A beautiful but tired little girl approached our vehicle with a basket of water packets perched on her head. She sells them for 50 francs each; the equivalent of about 10 cents in USD. The packets contain a mouthful of clean water, which is a relief to the many taxi drivers or crowded bus passengers. Street merchants selling their wares in the city are quick to buy in the hot sun. I see ladies selling grey, dirty water in used bottles. It quiches thirst but brings disease.
People drink water like this every day from shallow wells filled with parasites. West Africa is a hot , dry and dusty land. Water is life but dirty water brings death and disease. We are happy to be answering the call to minister in this land by drilling fresh water wells and teaching health hygiene and sanitation. We increase hope with each new well. Thank you for your prayers and help as we follow God’s call.