In 2004, we went on a mission trip to Brazil to help build a school; that was when our focus began to radically change. In 2012 our ministry provided a new drilling rig to Senegal and we have been in West Africa drilling fresh water wells and assisting farmers in irrigating their crops with drip irrigation and other methods and have recently purchased property for a permanent base of operations for our West Africa teams.
In many villages, there is a good source of water but it is not safe to drink. The regular water supply is filled with pathogens and parasites that cause illness and even death. The World Health Organization says that as many as 3.4 million people, mostly children, die annually from water related illnesses. Most of these deaths can be prevented through simple, inexpensive measures. A Well Watered Garden is there to help.

Water Well Drilling
Our goal is to provide safe, clean water to those in need by partnering with other ministries and individuals to provide much-needed resources. We help other ministries and missionaries so they can be more productive in
their outreach ministry as well.
Talibé Ministry
Every morning around daybreak in Senegal, you will see tattered little boys, many barefoot, scattering through the streets. In their hands, they carry a plastic bowl. They are known as the Talibé boys who are victims of child slavery and abuse. Typically, they are forced to beg to raise money. Our ministry is planning to provide a safe place to offer these children a warm meal, bath and clean clothes. Our goal is to allow them to rest, play, and hear about Jesus. Will you help us make this a reality for these children.
Agriculture, Irrigation, and Solar Power
We help the local farmers with issues they face in raising crops to feed their families. A complete agriculture project includes, a drilled well with solar pump, irrigation for the crops and education on the best agriculture practices to sustain the best crop yields. We also help with basic lighting and electrical needs by utilizing solar panels and batteries when possible.
Get in Touch
Join us in our mission to help those in need by providing them with clean and safe water. For more information on how to get involved, fill out the contact form or contact us!